our services

We provide various health related services

We are dealing with the various health related issues which we know and face in our daily life and we don’t focus on those small small problems and may of us don’t treat them as a problems, so we come up with various programs which do not disturb your daily life routine, just we want you to  take some time from your daily life routine.

I know many of you may say we don’t have time to focus on these little problems, but trust me we all have time it’s just all about priorities, we don’t give priority to our health.

So juts give your health priority and you will definitely find some time for yourself.

Now if you are reading this that mean you are giving priority to your health. 

Just scroll down and explore our program which suits you better or if you have any confusion feel free to contact us.

Explore Our Programs Below

Yoga Classes by fcapoorva

Yoga Classes  New Event Yoga Classes

  • Yoga classes typically involve physical postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), and relaxation or meditation.
  • Classes can vary in length, intensity, and style, so it’s important to find a class that is suitable for your fitness level and goals.
  • It’s a good idea to wear comfortable, stretchy clothing to a yoga class, and to bring a mat if the studio does not provide one.
  • It’s also important to let the instructor know if you have any injuries or health conditions that may affect your practice.

Classes are started, Get yourself Enrolled. (Hurry Limited Seats)

Weight Management fcapoorva

Weight Management

We all have some weight issues, like few of us want to reduce weight, few of us want to gain weight and lucky one want to maintain their weight.

Join weight management program to understand your body type and your body needs.

Accordingly we will guide you the best solution for your transformation.


Let's start your transformation journey today.

Stress Management

In today’s busy and hectic lifestyle we can not say that we are stress free, everyone today is going through some kind of stress.

Whether it is working man, working woman or housewife, home maker, business man or woman.

Everyone is going through some sort of stress, at early stage we don’t take it seriously but as the time goes on it affects our mental health as well as affects our personal and professional life too. 

To get rid of stress Join our stress management program today.

Let's start your stress free life journey today.

Meditation by fcapoorva


We all have some sort of doubt related to meditation, trust me it is very useful to all of us, what so ever our mental condition is it helps us to focus and leads us to achieving our goals.

Our goals can be anything it can be related to our health, can be related to our family or for our business.

And also meditation can be joined by anyone of any age group.

Feel free to contact us if you have any doubt related to anything. 

Let's start your meditation program today.

Balance Diet and Nutrition by fcapoorva

Balance Diet and Nutrition

We all know food is an essential part of our day to day life.

It’s a fuel that gives us energy to wake up do our daily life tasks.

It is similar to the fuel we give to our vehicle to run the machinery inside our vehicle so that it produce energy and we can utilize that energy to run on the road to cover the distance without wasting out time because we all know time is very essential quantity in our life.

what if we provide wrong fuel to our vehicle.

Now imagine the same scenario with our body, we provide food, tasty food and sometime it is expensive too, but all expensive foods are not good, they are just hygienic.

80% of our body building is based on what we eat and how we eat.

Let's start your healthy food habits today.

Healthy Lifestyle by fcapoorva

Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle doesn’t mean to having good food, having good amount of water even doing exercise and also most importantly you sleep well for few days or for few weeks.

It is not about you to follow these simple habits for a day, for a week or for a month.

It is a lifestyle you have to follow it on daily basis not just till you achieve your goal.

Join us and we will make sure these small things become your habits and later your lifestyle.

Let's start your healthy Lifestyle today.

Mental Health

Most of the time we don’t bother about our mental state, if work firstly on our mental health, most of the problems resolves.

Now a days we are dealing with so much of toxicity, in office politics, in our relationships.

We spoil many things because of our mental state only.

Why this happens? Why we stop talking about it?

There are so many “why” related to our mental state or mental health we don’t understand or we are not able to understand, sometimes we don’t share sometime our loved once share but we don’t understand, we take it otherwise and start spoiling our relationships.

Join us because just because our mental state we don’t leave our loved once.

Let's start finding your peace of mind today.

Exercise by fitness coach apoorva


Exercise doesn’t mean lifting heavy weights, going to gym, running 5Kms a day or doing any high intensity workout.

Exercise can be done at home also and for exercise you don’t need heavy machinery or equipment’s to start your exercise.

Your body weight is enough to make you fit and in shape.

Join us and learn how to use your body weight to stay FIT.

Let's take a small step towards fitness today.

MEN health FCApoorva

Men's Health

Coming soon

Don't be afraid or shy of seeking help.

Zumba by fitness coach apoorva


Enroll Now

To Know more contact us.